More than Sixty New Features Requested for Windows 7

A wishlist for Windows 7, the code-name for the desktop operating system that will replace Windows Vista, has been leaked online.

A leaked wishlist for Windows 7, the code-name for the desktop operating system that will replace Windows Vista, has been published online by tech site Neowin.

The requests for tweaks, improvements and additions to next version of Windows come from those contributing to Microsoft's Windows Early Feedback program, under which the software giant seeks input from techies over potential improvements for the OS.

However, the 61-strong wishlist, free for all to see on Neowin, includes requests for a selection of usability tweaks rather than any major upgrades. Examples include "Change 'delete' to 'remove from desktop' in the recycle bin context menu", "Recycle bin should 'fill up' visually" and "Add Alarm function to the OS Clock".

There are some potentially useful suggestion, however. One person asks for a 'Tabbed Explorer', perhaps suggesting Microsoft add the tabbed browsing feature offered by various web browsers to Windows Explorer.

There also appears to be a decent number of gamers involved in the Windows Early Feedback Program -- one suggested Windows 7 should allow users to 'Back up Xbox 360 games to Windows PC', while another asked for a 'Windows Gaming Mode'. The latter was described by one person commenting on the story on Neowin's site as a "killer feature", while another called it a "godsend".

Microsoft plans to release Windows 7 - formerly code-named Blackcomb, and then Vienna - in 2010.


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