TeamViewer is the fast, simple and friendly solution for remote access over the Internet - all applications in one single, very affordable module.
Remote control of computers over the Internet
Instantly take control over a computer anywhere on the Internet, even through firewalls. No installation required, just use it fast and secure.
Training, sales and teamwork
TeamViewer can also be used to present your desktop to a partner on the Internet. Show and share your software, PowerPoint presentations etc.
File transfer, chat and more
Share your files, chat, switch the direction during a teamwork session, and a lot more is included in TeamViewer
What's New in TeamViewer 3.5 Beta:
TeamViewer 3.5 is currently available as a beta version, the final release will be available by the end of January.
Version 3.5 is a free update for all TeamViewer 3 users.
* New featuresSession recording: It is now possible to record and replay remote sessions on the local computer, giving you a documented evidence of your work on the remote computer.
* Access control: With version 3.5 distinct rules on how to access the remote computer can be set per session. Full access is the default mode and works like the default setting of older versions of TeamViewer. With the mode Confirm all it is only possible to view the remote desktop, further access is only available after it has been granted by the connection partner. For further information please refer to the online manual.
* Virtual Private Network: VPN connections to the remote computer are now possible with TeamViewer (e.g. making it possible to access remote databases with local applications).
* Remote reboot: It is now possible to restart the remote computer through TeamViewer. This also works with the TeamViewer QuickSupport module and also supports reboot in safe mode.
* Import/export: The TeamViewer options can be exported and imported (e.g. to set the same options on multiple computers).
TeamViewer 3.5 Build 3902 Beta
TeamViewer 3.5 Build 3902 Beta
TeamViewer 3.5 Build 3902 Beta