Free blogging services generate a high traffic for websites and, as a consequence, an increased popularity. If you want to have your own blogging service (like for example),
LifeType application allows you to manage multiple blogs and users through a single control panel corresponding to a unique MySQL database. The administration panel allows you to manage all aspects of blogs functionality and appearance.
If you have enough administrative rights for a MySQL server, the web based automatic installer will create a MySQL database for you and will guide you through the setup process with a simple wizard. After you provide the administrator user name and password and blog details, you can begin to write the first article with a WYSIWYG editor having an interface similar to Microsoft Word text processor.
When you create a new post, you have the possibility to define a new category form the same window, manage existing comments or new ones, view and manage previous posts, add a video or audio file directly in the post and more. Regarding the LifeType application security, the built-in bayesian spam filter allows a better cleaning of comments and trackbacks. The application security can be enhanced through plugins that are available for free download. This application also has an automatic detection of the trackback URL for the blog you are linking to.
Blog appearance can be customized by changing the default template. As it is created based on Smarty PHP framework, LifeType application has an enhanced performance and is easy to customize. If you want to provide a blogging service for a community of users with LifeType, you can offer every user a blog with a corresponding domain or subdomain name from a single LifeType installation. In order to install this application on your own web server, you can downloaded it from here.
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