The company is this week expected to announce the move, which will start when it releases a beta of the next version of Flex, code-named Moxie, in June. By the time Adobe releases the final version of Moxie, which will be called Flex 3, near the end of the year, it expects to have a fully functioning open-source project, company executives said Tuesday. Adobe intends to use the Mozilla Public License.
The company said it will open-source the Flex software development kit, which includes a compiler and libraries designed to speed up development. It plans to continue to sell Flex Builder, an Eclipse-based development tool, and Flex Data Services, server software for accessing corporate databases.
Flex is one of a growing number of alternatives for building so-called rich Internet applications, which sport an interactive front-end interface. Using the development framework, programmers create an application that can run within Adobe's Flash Player or Apollo, its "player" for desktop applications.
The company chose to create an open-source project for the Flex software to garner good ideas and contributions from developers outside Adobe, said Jeff Whatcott, vice president for product marketing at Adobe's enterprise and developer business unit.
The move is also meant to appeal to open-source developers who shun closed-source and proprietary products. Adobe already offers the Flex software development kit for free and provides the source code.
"For some people, (open source) is a philosophical requirement, a sign of integrity and trust in a vendor," Whatcott said. "This will close that gap and address any lingering doubts they have about our openness and commitment to community."
The company is making the transition to open source now because the Flex technology is mature and there is growing interest among developers and rich Internet application development, Whatcott said.
Adobe will initially provide nightly updates of Moxie code and will publish a bug database when the software goes into beta in June. When it is released near the end of the year, Adobe will be able to accept outside contributions.
The move follows Adobe's donation last November of its ActionScript virtual machine to the Mozilla Foundation, the makers of the open-source Firefox browser.
Offering free or open-source development tools has become nearly de rigueur for software vendors. Like many companies, Adobe intends to make money via associated software, like higher-end tools and server software.
Source :
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Adobe to open-source Flash tool Flex
Contoh Source Code Aplikasi Penjualan
Bila ada yang masih ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang pemrograman Visual Basic .NET, disini saya sertakan contoh source code untuk aplikasi Penjualan secara gratis alias Free. Dalam program ini semua aspek yang mencakup koneksi database, write dan read data, penyimpanan dan pemanggilan image gambar dari database, pembuatan Class dan masih banyak lagi. (Upss, sorry, tapi belum sempat saya masukkan Comment di tiap baris Codenya...).
Program tambahan yang diperlukan adalah :
Menggunakan Dev Express Component Collection For Visual Studio 2005 yang bisa di dapatkan disini dan VBPowerpack 1.1.
Klik link di bawah ini untuk download
Catatan : Bila link tidak tersedia, refresh aja halamannya dengan menekan tombol F5
Berikan komentar Anda, dan akan saya respon secepatnya..
BTW, Thanks for downloading. Support me if you interest...
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Kenapa kita menutup mata ketika tidur? Ketika
kita menangis? Ketika kita mengkhayal?
Ini karena hal terindah di dunia TIDAK
Kita semua agak aneh , dan hidup sendiri juga
agak aneh .
Dan ketika kita menemukan seseorang yang
keunikkannya SEJALAN dengan kita ,
kita bergabung dengannya dan jatuh ke dalam
suatu keanehan serupa yang dinamakan CINTA.
Ada hal-hal yang tidak ingin kita lepaskan. orang-
orang yang tidak ingin kita tinggalkan .
Tapi ingatlah, melepaskan BUKAN akhir dunia,
melainkan awal suatu kehidupan baru.
Kebahagiaan ada untuk mereka yang menangis,
mereka yang tersakiti, mereka yang telah
mencari, dan mereka yang telah mencoba.
Karena MEREKALAH yang bisa menghargai
betapa pentingnya orang yang telah menyentuh
kehidupan mereka.
Adalah ketika kamu menitikkan air mata dan
MASIH peduli terhadapnya.
Adalah ketika dia tidak mempedulikanmu dan
kamu MASIH menunggunya dengan setia.
Adalah ketika dia mulai mencintai orang lain dan
kamu MASIH bisa tersenyum sambil berkata 'Aku
turut bahagia untukmu'.
Apabila cinta tidak berhasil, BEBASKAN dirimu.
Biarkan hatimu kembali melebarkan sayapnya
dan terbang ke alam bebas.
Ingatlah, bahwa kamu mungkin menemukan cinta
dan kehilangannya. tapi ketika cinta itu mati,
kamu TIDAK perlu mati bersamanya..
Orang terkuat BUKAN mereka yang selalu
menang. MELAINKAN mereka yang tetap tegar
ketika mereka jatuh.
Entah bagaimana, dalam perjalanan kehidupan,
kamu belajar tentang dirimu sendiri. dan
menyadari, bahwa penyesalan tidak seharusnya
ada. HANYALAH penghargaan abadi atas pilihan-
pilihan kehidupan yang telah kau buat.
BUKANLAH bagaimana kamu melupakan..
melainkan bagaimana kamu MEMAAFKAN.
BUKANLAH bagaimana kamu mendengarkan.
melainkan bagaimana kamu MENGERTI.
BUKANLAH apa yang kamu lihat, melainkan apa
yang kamu RASAKAN.
BUKANLAH bagaimana kamu melepaskan,
melainkan bagaimana kamu BERTAHAN.
Lebih berbahaya mencucurkan airmata dalam
hati, daripada menangis tersedu-sedu.
Airmata yang keluar dapat dihapus. sementara
airmata yang tersembunyi menggoreskan luka
yang tidak akan pernah hilang.
Dalam urusan cinta, kita SANGAT JARANG
menang.. Tapi ketika CINTA itu mencintai
seseorang, LEBIH dari kamu mencintai dirimu
Akan tiba saatnya dimana kamu harus berhenti
mencintai seseorang BUKAN karena orang itu
berhenti mencintai kita. MELAINKAN karena kita
menyadari bahwa orang itu akan lebih
berbahagia apabila kita melepaskannya.
Akan tetapi apabila kamu benar-benar mecintai
seseorang, jangan lepaskan dia. jangan percaya
bahwa melepaskan SELALU berarti kamu benar-
benar mencintai.
Lebih baik menunggu orang yang kamu inginkan
DARIPADA berjalan bersama orang 'yang
Lebih baik menunggu orang yang kamu cintai
DARIPADA mencintai orang yang berada di
Lebih baik menunggu orang yang tepat
karena hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk dibuang
hanya dengan 'seseorang'.
Kadangkala orang yang kamu cintai adalah orang
yang PALING menyakiti hatimu.
Dan kadangkala, seseorang yang mendengar
tangismu, membawamu ke dalam pelukannya
adalah cinta yang tidak kamu sadari.
Mengerti ketika kamu berkata 'Aku lupa.'
Menunggu selamanya ketika kamu
berkata 'Tunggu sebentar'.
Tetap tinggal ketika kamu berkata 'Tinggalkan
aku sendiri'
Membuka pintu meski kamu BELUM mengetuk
dan berkata 'Bolehkah saya masuk?'.
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Koneksi Database dan Visual Basic 6.0
Cara membuat koneksi Database dalam Visual Basic 6.0.
Membuat koneksi database baik itu menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0 maupun Visual Basic .NET pada dasarnya sama. Di bawah ini akan saya coba jelaskan cara sederhana untuk membuat koneksi dengan SQL Server Database menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0. Artikel ini hanya ditujukan buat teman-teman yang ingin mengetahui cara mengkoneksikan program Visual Basic ke dalam database SQL.
Langkah pertama, buka program Visual Basic 6.0 dan buat project baru dengan memilih Standar EXE pada menu tampilan awan Visual Basic 6.0.
Langkah kedua, pilih menu project dan pilih menu References. Dalam kotak dialog References, cari “Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library” atau “Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.6 Library” atau “Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.7 Library”. Pilih salah satu, semuanya sama saja terserah Anda. Centang library tersebut dan klik OK.
Langkah ketiga, buat modul baru dalam project kita dengan mengklik menu Project > Add Module. Pada kotak dialog yang muncul, klik Open. Dalam modul yang baru kita buat ketikkan:
Public dB As New ADODB.Connection
Langkah keempat, buka Form1 yang terdapat dalamProject Explorer (biasanya di sebelah kanan) dengan cara Double Click pada Form1. Form1 akan terbuka. Double Click Form1 dimana saja, maka anda akan masuk ke dalam tampilan Code View . Kode yang muncul akan terlihat seperti di bawah ini:
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Langkah kelima, ketikkan perintah di bawah ini di antara Sub Form_Load() dan End Sub:
On error goto Ern
dB.Provider = "SQLOLEDB.1;server=(local);User ID=sa;password=asianet;Initial Catalog=Penjualan"
MsgBox “Koneksi sukses.”
Exit sub
MsgBox “Koneksi Gagal”
Keterangan :
- (local), mengindikasikan lokasi server Anda. Jika aplikasi kita hanya akan mengakses ke SQL Server dalam komputer local, gunakan (local). Sebaliknya jika aplikasi kita digunakan agar terhubung ke jaringan, sebaiknya gunakan sesuai nama server (komputer) dalam jaringan. (sorry kalo kata-katanya agak kurang dipahami... J).
- User ID=sa;password=asianet. Bila saat installasi SQL Server pertama kali kita menggunakan User ID ‘sa’ dan password=asianet. Maka User ID dan passwordnya harus dimasukkan di sini. Lain waktu akan saya terangkan cara Installasi SQL Server 2000, kalo SQL Server yang 2005 agak gampang (tapi, semuanya tergantung dimana kita memakai Instance default atau tidak atau menggunakan SQL Server authentication atau tidak).
- Initial Catalog=Penjualan. Maksudnya, nama database kita apa? Disini databasenya saya namakan ‘Penjualan’. Untuk pembuatan database, silahkan klik disini.
Langkah keenam, coba jalankan aplikasi kita dengan menekan tombol F5 dari keyboard. Silahkan lihat hasilnya... dialog box mana yang muncul?
Untuk pertanyaan atau penjelasan lebih lanjut, silahkan isikan di Comment. Thanks. J
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What XML Isn’t
The previous section spells out what XML is — an extensible markup language that allows you to create your own tags to develop XML applications. Now it’s time to clarify what XML is not.
It’s not just for Web pages anymore
Although the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) developed XML, it’s not specifically designed only for Web pages. In fact, if you display an XML document on the Web in its raw form (without adding styles to format the display), all you’ll see is the XML markup itself. So banish this Web-only idea from your thoughts. XML is a markup language that allows you to organize information by creating tags to construct a specific document structure. XML documents can be viewed on the Web, but unlike HTML documents, they’re not limited to the Web.
Browser support for XML is limited and variable. Hopefully this will change in the next generation of browsers, but for now XML works well in Web pages only when combined with another language (CSS) or XML technology (XSLT) to format the display of the XML information.
It’s not a database
Whether XML “is” a database depends on your definition of database. If you’re defining a database as a collection of data, then yes, XML qualifies as a database. If you’re defining a database as a Database Management System (DBMS) program, such as Microsoft Access, XML has some DBMS features (storage, queries, programming interfaces) but doesn’t have others (queries across multiple documents, security, indexes). So, okay, you could use XML as a database for a small amount of data — but it wouldn’t be efficient to use XML as a database for large amounts of data. (Why would you want to, when DBMS programs are designed to do exactly that?) That’s not to say XML is in any way database unfriendly. XML documents work well for both input and output, going to an from a database — and you can also use them to display database information in print or on the Web.
It’s not a programming language
One of the most common misconceptions about XML is that it’s a programming language. Although XML can be used with programming languages for certain types of application development, it’s a markup language, not a programming language. A markup language is essentially descriptive; a programming language is for issuing logical commands. Programming languages include (for example) variables, datatypes, operators, loops, functions, and
conditional statements. XML doesn’t include any of these features, so it’s no programming language.
Part of the confusion here is that some XML document types do include some features found in programming languages. For example, XML Schemas (which are themselves XML documents) include several built-in datatypes and also allow user-defined datatypes. But wait a minute: Although XML Schema documents can include datatypes — one feature of programming languages — that doesn’t make them full-fledged programming languages with all the features just listed here. They remain XML documents — with an XML document structure, created with a markup language (XML). You can get XML to describe how a document will look; you can’t get it to dim your house lights or start your car — at least, not without some help from an actual programming language.
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What Is XML?
Have you ever needed a document format that you could use to exchange data — either across the Internet or across an intranet? Well, eXtensible Markup Language (XML) may be just the solution. In fact, many different industries have discovered the wonders of XML — and use it extensively to help organize and classify their data... XML is a markup language — it uses tags to label, categorize, and organize information in a specific way. Markup describes document or data structure and organization. Content, such as text, images, and data, is that part of the code that the markup tags contain; it’s also what’s of greatest interest to most everyday humans who read or interact with data or documents. XML isn’t limited to a particular set of markup — you create your own markup to suit your data and document needs. The flexibility of XML has led to its widespread use for exchanging data in a multitude of forms. And that’s not all! With XML, you can send the same information to various locations — say, to a person using a mobile phone and a person using a Web browser — at the same time. In addition, you can customize the information sent out so it’s displayed appropriately on the various devices. Getting started with XML isn’t difficult.
If you take a close look at the use of XML in today’s business world, you soon recognize that pinning down a single, definitive use for XML is nearly impossible. In fact, it is precisely the open-ended nature of XML that makes it so useful for many different things — and so difficult to put into a single, small box.
You may be familiar with Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the markup language used to display information on Web pages. Both XML and HTML are derived from the “mother of all markup languages,” Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) — but any similarity ends there. HTML includes a set of predefined tags that format information for display on the Web. XML has no predefined tags — instead, you can create your own XML tags to structure your XML document so its content is in a form that meets your needs. Basically, you design your own custom markup language (actually an XML application) to do data exchange in a way that works for you. Although XML doesn’t include predefined tags, it does include very specific rules about the syntax of an XML document.
XHTML is yet another markup language — designed as a transition language between HTML and XML. In a nutshell, XHTML is a version of HTML that follows the strict syntax rules of XML. After you’ve used it for a while, you’re well prepared to use XML. Separating data and context Among the many benefits of using XML is that it automatically separates data from context (presentation). An XML document by itself includes no instructions about how to display the content contained in the document — it only defines the structure of the document. You can then add styles — formatting instructions for displaying the content — in a separate document called a stylesheet. This separation is actually pretty handy; you can change the display instructions without having to make any changes to your XML document. If the same style sheet is used with more than one document, you can make uniform style changes in all those documents simply by making changes in the stylesheet. All the associated XML documents follow the stylesheet’s orders.
XML can be combined with both two different types of stylesheets — Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and/or Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) — for extra versatility. This makes it possible to view XML documents on the Web as more than just raw document markup — and you can change this display easily to accommodate different output devices. For example, you can use one stylesheet for display on a PDA and a separate one for printout.
XML is all about managing your data — using the best possible format available to you. To talk about how XML can handle your data as discrete bits of information, what better format is there to use than a bulleted list? Check out the following items:
• XML enables you to collect information once and reuse it in a variety of ways.
• XML data is not limited to one application format. You can design an XML document that allows you to collect data online for use in other documents, databases, and spreadsheets.
For example, suppose your business collects sales information on a group of products by using an XML document to contain the data. The same XML data could be used to create customer purchase records, commission reports, and product-sales graphs.
• Making information portable does require planning and design before the information is collected.
So, thats all information about XML i can share... There is more ‘bout XML you can learn, just googling it. Next time i’ll try to explain how to create a simple XML document to view and read some data.
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History Of Ajax
Although we are just beginning to realize its full potential, the proven success of famous AJAX-based projects like Google Maps signifies that this is not just another media hype, but rather a promising technology that may change web-applications as we know them.
The purpose of this article is to help developers understand the core concept of AJAX, realize its benefits and suitable application scenarios, and of course, become aware of its drawbacks.
You will learn about some of the most important AJAX implementations as well as about some of the leading development tools and components, which can help you jump-start your AJAX-enabled applications.
This document is aimed at ASP.NET developers, although anyone with a good knowledge of how the Internet works will gain a solid understanding of AJAX and its benefits.
The pursuit of a development technique like AJAX came from the need for making web applications much more usable and eliminating their key disadvantages in comparison with the desktop platform:
- Poor Interactivity – web applications require that users wait for full page reloads after each interaction with the server. During the loading time they have to stare at a blank screen, which tremendously disturbs the whole experience. Although broadband internet connections are becoming a standard, web applications are also becoming increasingly complex and "heavy" so the overall waiting time remains relatively the same.
- Unresponsiveness – classic web applications transfer the complete form data to the server, which in turn renders and sends back the full HTML markup of the page to the browser. This happens during each postback and in most cases is highly inefficient, since only a small part of the interface is actually changed. However, lots of bandwidth is consumed and the performance is significantly hindered. This leaves users with the idea that web applications are slow by nature. Even worse, the user will often find the page has scrolled to a different position, causing disorientation.
- Simplistic Interfaces – the requirement for full page postback whenever the user interface has to be changed imposes hefty limitations on the degree of sophistication of web user interfaces. Rich and smooth interfaces with on-demand update could only be implemented using Flash technology. This approach, however, is impractical for general use since it is very complex and requires a much different set of skills than those possessed by the typical web developer. It can also cause end-user issues as a plug-in is often required.
- Low Usability – if a web application reloads the whole page because the user made a new selection on a form, they will get confused. It is often the case that web applications work in a confusing and esoteric way because the web application has been built around the standard, simple view of the Internet protocols. ASP.NET meant we could build applications with more functionality more quickly, usability has a way to go yet.
AJAX was born with the idea to change all this and narrow the functional gap between the desktop and the web. The new generation of AJAX-enabled applications delivers close-to-instantaneous performance, rich interfaces and tremendously improved user experience. It opens new horizons for much closer interaction with the application and demonstrates in practice what was until recently considered impossible:
- Real-time map panning in Google Maps and Virtual Earth is just like image panning in Adobe® Photoshop®
- Folder browsing, message previewing, etc. in Microsoft® Outlook® Web Access is identical to that in the desktop version of Outlook.
- Validation checking on complex input fields can be performed by the server, without reloading the page.
- Virtual scrolling of huge tables with telerik r.a.d.grid is as fast as in Microsoft Excel®
What's interesting to know is that AJAX is not actually that new as a technology. It has been first used after Microsoft implemented Microsoft.XMLHTTP COM object that was part of The Microsoft® XML Parser distributive. As an ActiveX object in Internet Explorer 5, it was used to create the famous Outlook Web Access. You have probably seen AJAX in action for quite long in the MSDN Documentation treeview navigation. What is new actually is the name AJAX, which was widely accepted in 2005. Other labels for the same technology are Load on Demand, Asynchronous Requests, Callbacks, Out-of-band Calls, etc.
What's even more interesting is that AJAX is actually not a technology. It is more like a development technique that utilizes in a unique way a number of already mature technologies: HTML/XHTML, XML, DHTML, the XmlHttpRequest object, and JavaScript. For the purposes of simplicity we will refer to it as technology as it is widely accepted as such and provides a useful language to discuss the characteristics of the significant trend it represents.
The core idea behind AJAX is to make the communication with the server asynchronous, so that data is transferred and processed in the background. As a result the user can continue working on the other parts of the page without interruption. In an AJAX-enabled application only the relevant page elements are updated, only when this is necessary.
In contrast, the traditional synchronous (postback-based) communication would require a full page reload every time data has to be transferred to/from the server. This leads to the following negative effects:
- The user interaction with the application is interrupted every time a server call is needed, since a postback has to be made.
- The user has to wait and look at blank screen during each postback.
- The full page is being rendered and transferred to the client after each postback, which is time consuming and traffic intensive.
- Any information entered by the user will be submitted to the server, perhaps prematurely.
The AJAX-enabled applications, on the other hand, rely on a new asynchronous method of communication between the client and the server. It is implemented as a JavaScript engine that is loaded on the client during the initial page load. From there on, this engine serves as a mediator that sends only relevant data to the server as XML and subsequently processes server response to update the relevant page elements.
Below is a diagram of the complete lifecycle of an AJAX-enabled web form.
- Initial request by the browser – the user requests the particular URL.
- The complete page is rendered by the server (along with the JavaScript AJAX engine) and sent to the client (HTML, CSS, JavaScript AJAX engine).
- All subsequent requests to the server are initiated as function calls to the JavaScript engine.
- The JavaScript engine then makes an XmlHttpRequest to the server.
- The server processes the request and sends a response in XML format to the client (XML document). It contains the data only of the page elements that need to be changed. In most cases this data comprises just a fraction of the total page markup.
- The AJAX engine processes the server response, updates the relevant page content or performs another operation with the new data received from the server. (HTML + CSS)
Kode yang berkualitas?
Berdasarkan standar kualitas kode yang kita pakai dalam pembuatan project, ada beberapa standar-standar penulisan kode yang sebaiknya selalu diperhatikan. Saya selalu bertentangan dengan begitu banyak aturan dasar dari software yang berkualitas dan selalu... Seringkali saya merasa bosan untuk menulis komentar (comment), seringkali saya gagal untuk mengecek nilai kembalian (return value) dari sebuah fungsi, saya seringkali memulai dengan menulis kode sebelum saya sanggup mendesainnya. Kebanyakan dari kita mungkin sudah tahu aturan dasar dari pengkodean yang ‘baik’, tapi saya tetap ingin menuliskannya disini.
Komentari kode kita.
- Seseorang (siapa saja) menulis “Jika kita tidak bisa menjelaskannya dalam kode, jelaskanlah dalam komentar (comment). Jika kode belum bersih, susah atau panjang, tulis komentar untuk menjelaskan mengapa demikian.
- Buat mudah. Komentar yang baik bisa saja hanya terdiri dari beberapa kata atau paragraf. Kuncinya adalah membuatnya mudah dan mengomentari tujuan penting yang kita buat.
- Perhatikan, bahwa dalam pemeliharaan program kita jangan sampai melupakan untuk mengomentari kode kita. Kita merawat kode, jadi jika kita menuliskan komentar seperti “’a=b”, kadangkala kode kita akan berubah menjadi a=c, tapi komentar akan selalu menjadi “’a=b”. Jadi jangan mengomentari yang sudah sewajarnya.
Validasikan input dari fungsi
- Sangat baik dalam mendebug kode dan memperoleh hasil dari dialog yang tampil atau tracing yang dilakukan sampai output program keluar dan memberitahu saya apa saja yang salah sebelum program itu dirilis.
- Pelajari bagaimana menggunakan Try Catch.
- Validasikan dalam build release.
Mengecek kembalian dari suatu fungsi
- Mengecek kembalian dari suatu fungsi
- Ketahui nilai apa yang dikembalikan dan kenapa?
- Dalam kode, periksa tiap nilai kembalian dari suatu fungsi.
- Periksa nilai kembalian dari fungsi-fungsi yang tidak diharapkan. Jika suatu fungsi bisa mengembalikan 1,2,3 atau 4, coba buatkan untuk fungsi itu agar mengembalikan beberapa kode yang lain. Maka, jika kita menggunakan pernyataan switch, masukkan juga cabang standarnya agar bisa mengelak dari nilai kembalian yang tidak diharapkan.
Inisialisasikan variabel
- Bila memungkinkan, inisialisasikan suatu variabel ke dalam nilai yang sebenarnya, bukan nilai bantuan (cth : daripada menulis dim x as integer = 0, x=GetFunction(), tulislah dim x as integer=GetFunction().
- Jika nilainya tidak ada, inisialisasikan nilainya ke angka NOL, Nothing atau lainnya.
Tangkap kesalahan pada lokasi yang tepat
- Ketahui kira-kira fungsi apa yang akan memiliki kesalahan.
- Kegagalan dalam menangkap kesalahan bisa berakibat pada memori.
- Jika kita tidak menangkapnya, kita akan kehilangan kontrol terhadap sistem kita sendiri.
Gunakan pengawas
- Sangat baik untuk aplikasi server-side back-end yang harus selalu aktif dalam 24 jam selama 7 hari.
Tracing itu baik
- Trace memberikan programmer kesempatan untuk melakukan pengamatan secara detail tanpa mengganggu alur program.
- Trace bisa digunakan pada build release bila dibutuhkan.
Berpikirlah bahwa kode kita memiliki kekurangan
- Banyak kode tidak selalu berarti baik.
- Gunakan kembali kode bila memungkinkan, menggunakan derivation, consolidation, delegation atau apapun..
- Setiap baris kode yang kita tulis pasti rawan terhadap bugs dan perubahan.
- Berikan nama yang berarti untuk semua fungsi, class, struktur, variabel, constant, macro dll.
- Cobalah menggunakan ketetapan penamaan standar untuk project kita.
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OOP dalam VB.NET(2)
3.Fungsi Bersama(Shared Functions )
Hai, hari ini saya akan melanjutkan tutorial mengenai pengenalan OOP dalam Visual Basic.NET. Anda bisa melihat posting sebelumnya di sini.
Kali ini saya akan menerangkan mengenai Shared Function, Apa itu Shared Function? dan bagaimana implementasinya?
Anggota-anggota yang dishare dalam Class (Function dan Variable) bisa digunakan tanpa membuat object dari sebuah Class. Modifier Shared mengindikasikan bahwa cara tersebut tidak beroperasi pada suatu instance yang spesifik dari sebuah tipe dan bisa digunakan secara langsung dari sebuah tipe dari pada melalui suatu instance yang khusus dari sebuah tipe.
Import namespace System (tersedia dalam .NET).
Imports System
Binatang adalah sebuah namespace.
Namespace Binatang
Anjing merupakan suatu Class dalam namespace Binatang.
Class Anjing
Menggonggong sekarang menjadi Public, shared function dalam Class ini.
Public Shared Function Menggonggong()
Console.Writeline ("Anjing Menggonggong")
End Function
Berjalan adalah Public function dalam Class ini. Tidak di-shared.
Public Function Berjalan()
Console.Writeline ("Anjing Berjalan")
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
Module Kita:
Public Module modMain
Proses dimulai dari subroutine Main().
Sub Main()
'Kita bisa memanggil function Menggonggong() secara langsung,
'tanpa membuat object dengan tipe Anjing -
'karena telah di-shared.
Binatang.Anjing.Menggonggong ()
'Kita bisa memanggil function Berjalan() hanya
'sesudah membuat object terlebih dahulu, karena
'tidak di-shared.
Dim Dolly as Binatang.Anjing
Dolly=new Binatang.Anjing()
End sub
End Module
Overloading adalah suatu teknik yang mudah, untuk mengaktifkan function agar menerima parameter dari tipe yang berbeda. Mari kita perhatikan Class Penambahan sederhana. Import namespace System (tersedia dalam .NET).
Imports System
Class Penambahan
Disini, kita memiliki dua buah function Penambahan(). Yang satu ini akan menambahkan dua integer. Convert.ToString hampir sama dengan CStr.
Overloads Public Sub Penambahan(A as Integer, B as Integer)
Console.Writeline ("Menambah Integer: " + Convert.ToString(a + b))
End Sub
Yang satu ini akan menambah 2 string.
Overloads Public Sub Penambahan(A as String, B as String)
Console.Writeline ("Menambah String: " + a + b)
End Sub
'Dan keduanya memiliki nama yang sama. Ini mungkin saja, kita menggunakan
'kata kunci Overloads, untukmembebaninya (Overload).
'Disini, kita mempunyai function Main yang terdapat dalam Class ini.
'function Main kita terdapat dalam Class, sebaiknya dibuat shared.
Shared Sub Main()
Dim PenambahanObj as Penambahan
'Membuat Object
PenambahanObj=new Penambahan
'Ini akan memanggil function pertama
'Ini akan memanggil function kedua.
PenambahanObj.Tambah("Hai"," Bagaimana kabarmu?")
End Sub
End Class
Programmer Personality Test?
Saya dapat info ini dari sini
Dibawah ini hasil test saya, ada benarnya juga, setelah diperhatikan emang sesuai ama karakter saya..Kalo kalian gimana?
Your programmer personality type is:
You're a Doer.
You are very quick at getting tasks done. You believe the outcome is the most important part of a task and the faster you can reach that outcome the better. After all, time is money.
You like coding at a High level.
The world is made up of objects and components, you should create your programs in the same way.
You work best in a Solo situation.
The best way to program is by yourself. There's no communication problems, you know every part of the code allowing you to write the best programs possible.
You are a Conservative programmer.
The less code you write, the less chance there is of it containing a bug. You write short and to the point code that gets the job done efficiently.
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