Podcasters can now plan to display a Zune icon or chicklet graphic on their websites to enable an easy “1-Click Podcast Subscription” process for podcast listeners or viewers.
This 1-Click process will launch the new Zune Marketplace software and place the podcast subscription in the users collection. The process will work best if the Zune user already has the new Zune Marketplace software loaded on a Windows PC, but if not already installed, will then ask user to download the software. The podcast feed does not need to be in the Zune Marketplace for the link to work.
Here are the instructions for setting up Zune’s new “ 1-Click Podcast Subscription” link URL for your podcast:
*Create your unique link URL using this format: zune://subscribe/?PodcastTitle=PodcastRSSFeedURL
- Here is a working example: zune://subscribe/?wallstrip=http://feeds.feedburner.com/wallstrip
- See PodcastTitle is wallstrip and PodcastFeedURL is
- Spaces between words in the PodcastTitle will work fine.
- Here is our official hyperlink image for use for Zune 1-click subscription process
- A few other chicklet image options exist here.
Thank you for the warm welcome in the comments after Cesar’s intro post a few days ago. Podcasting has been my passion for many years now and am very excited to be here on the Zune team. We are building a great podcast service offering that should more than fill the needs of podcasters and Zune 4, 8, 30 and 80 users.
source: zuneinsider.com
Zune 1-Click Podcast Subscriptions
Zune 1-Click Podcast Subscriptions