Tune Windows Server 2008 SP1 to Boost Performance

Even from the beta development milestones of Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 1, Microsoft has applauded the delivery of a superior level of performance when compared with the predecessor server operating system to come out of Redmond, Windows Server 2003. In fact, as Microsoft slowly transitioned its entire server infrastructure, with the exception of a single box, to Windows Server 2008 SP1, upgrading from Widows Server 2003 to an unfinished platform, still in beta, the stress was placed on improved performance in a variety of scenarios from transfer to file sharing. This aspect of Windows Server 2008 has fallen under the responsibility of the Windows Server performance team.

"The Windows Server Performance team is a part of the Core Operating System Division at Microsoft. Our charter is to understand and improve the performance of Windows Server. As a matter of engineering, the sort of work we do involves: measurement of performance; analysis to identify bottlenecks; identification and implementation of architectural and code changes to improve performance; and to close the loop, verification that the changes we made, did what we expected them to do. The work gives us an opportunity to see the OS as a whole, and to study the interaction between software components and between hardware and software," revealed Bill Karagounis, Group Program Manager Windows Server Performance Team.

The conclusion that Microsoft has managed to come to as far as Windows Server 2008 is concerned is the fact that its latest server operating system comes to the table delivering improved performance in out of the box scenarios. One of the goals of building Windows Server 2008 was to optimize out-of-the-box performance, but at the same time there is also room for improvement. In this context, Microsoft has made available for download the "Performance Tuning Guidelines for Windows Server 2008" whitepaper, detailing potential Windows Server 2008 performance gains via fine tuning from the Networking and Storage Subsystem to Network Workload.

"We tend to focus on core scenarios and capabilities in Windows Server (other teams focus on role-specific performance), and look for ways to improve efficiency and scalability. Some of the areas we cover (and will post about) are virtualization, multi-core/multi-proc scalability, file systems (local and remote), network and disk I/O, and server power. We also plan to discuss OS and server application performance in general, and to share some of what we have learned over the years," Karagounis added.

source : news.softpedia.com

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