New Home for Windows Ultimate Exclusives from Microsoft

Microsoft has launched a new site for Windows Vista Ultimate customers. It’ll deliver new “Ultimate Exclusives” which will work together with Ultimate Extras.

Whereas Ultimate Extras are add-ons that extend certain OS capabilities, Ultimate Exclusives provide Windows Vista Ultimate customers with unique products and services at special discounts to enhance the computing experiences and enable users to do more with their PC.

Note that Ultimate Exclusives are not going to replace Ultimate Extras.

Microsoft is still working on Ultimate Extras and they have a plan to deliver more new Ultimate Extras in coming year. Following are a few hints for what you are going to get in new Ultimate Extras from Microsoft:

* A New original game
* Enhancements to Movie Maker and DVD Maker
* DreamScene experiences
* A Few New Screen savers
* New sound schemes

The Windows team is launching with three Ultimate Exclusives:

* EVGA: Great deals on EVGA e-GeForce 8800 series graphics cards to enhance your gaming
* Pinnacle Systems: Exciting offers on consumer video editing software and HD TV products
* Stardock Systems: Promotional pricing on Stardock Multiplicity for Multi-PC control


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