Zune 80 Secret Leaked!

Have you wondered why the Zune 80 only has 1 color to choose from? Have you wondered if Microsoft is hiding some big secret for launch day?

According to our source inside of Microsoft, this information is absolutely top secret. Well, it was until now. Here is the exact leak from our source verbatim:

"...but there is something that Microsoft is holding onto releasing information about until Tuesday. They have been keeping this info very secret, as they want to get the "bang" effect when it is announced.

There is going to be an option from the Zune website called "ZUNE ORIGINALS". People who order their zune from Zune.net, will have the added bonus of being able to customize their zune. This will include colour, up to five lines of custom text, and the choice of 25 preset logos that they can have etched into their zune prior to delivery. There will be no added cost, but it is only available through Zune.Net...

...I do believe that Microsoft will go Ape$h%t if this info gets out before V2 release on Tuesday"

Well there you have it, customized Zune 80's direct from Zune.net including colors, text, and etched logos. But please keep this a secret, the last thing we need is Microsoft going Ape$h%t on us. If you are skeptical of our source, take a look at some documents and codenames he has revealed in the past months.

source: zunescene.com

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