Download Firefox 3.5 RC2 - Try Now..

Try now the new Mozilla Firefox Version 3.5 RC2

Firefox 3.5 Release Candidate 2 is live and is available for download. This is the development milestone of the open source browser that will be made available to the general public.

Mozilla already started serving the RC of Firefox 3.5 as soon as June 16, but the availability process is not over yet.

In fact, June 19 marks the day that the final RC bits of Firefox 3.5 are going to be served to the public. Mozilla indicated that with the development of Firefox 3.5, formerly Firefox 3.1, and codenamed Shiretoko, it has changed the traditional process of wrapping up the browser.

Historically, step seven in the development evolution involved “shipping partial updates to beta-channel users and change the beta download page to point to the new development milestone,” revealed Mike Beltzner, director of Firefox at Mozilla. “So, what's new and exciting? We've realized that we can run this process in a more parallel fashion by splitting step 7 into: 7.1 ship partial updates to beta-channel users; 7.2 change the beta download page to point to the new development milestone.”

June 16 marked the availability of what Mozilla referred to as Firefox 3.5 RC1. June 19 brings to the table Firefox 3.5 RC2. While RC1 was a release aimed at the in excess of 800,000 testers of Firefox 3.5 Beta, RC2 is offered to the public. With Firefox 3.5 Beta 2, Mozilla will update the official Beta page, a detail that hasn't been done this far, since RC1 was pushed as an update to existing Beta users.

Mozilla has yet to officially announce Firefox 3.5 RC2; however, the bits did indeed go live on the company's FTP servers. I expect that later today, Mozilla will announce Firefox 3.5 RC2 and will update the beta download page accordingly. The final release of Firefox 3.5 is expected by the end of June 2009.
Download: Firefox 3.5 RC2

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