Apple to unveil iCloud, iOS 5 on Monday, June 6?

Apple iOS 5 CEO Steve Jobs and a aggregation of Angel admiral will bang off the company’s anniversary Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) with a keynote abode on Monday, June 6 at 10:00 a.m. At the keynote, Angel will bare its next bearing software - Lion, the eighth above absolution of Mac OS® X; iOS 5, the next adaptation of Apple’s avant-garde adaptable operating arrangement which admiral the iPad®, iPhone® and iPod touch®; and iCloud®, Apple’s accessible billow casework offering.

WWDC will affection added than 100 abstruse sessions presented by Angel engineers. Mac® developers will see and apprentice how to advance world-class Mac OS X Lion applications application its latest technologies and capabilities. Adaptable developers will be able to analyze the latest innovations and capabilities of iOS and apprentice how to abundantly enhance the functionality, achievement and architecture of their apps. All developers can accompany their cipher to the labs and plan with Angel engineers.

For added details, appointment the Angel Worldwide Developers Conference 2011 website at

Apple designs Macs, the best claimed computers in the world, forth with OS X, iLife, iWork and able software. Angel leads the agenda music anarchy with its iPods and iTunes online store. Angel has reinvented the adaptable buzz with its advocate iPhone and App Store, and has afresh alien iPad 2 which is defining the approaching of adaptable media and accretion devices.

Via: Apple

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Most Anticipated Games of E3: Call of Duty Elite

Call Of Duty Elite Outside of the halls of Activision, little is known about the upcoming add-on service that will launch with Modern Warfare 3. Speculation at this point is that Call of Duty Elite will expand on the Call of Duty Multiplayer experience by adding services and features that non-elite members won't have access to. Activision announced that Beachhead Studios had headed up the division for its Call of Duty Franchise, and has been working out the finer details for almost two years.

Analysts and gamers have taken to speculation about the subscription based model for the content, and many believe that the game will feature a more dynamic in-game wagering system than the one that was introduced in Black Ops, competitive leagues and tournaments for the game, community development, exclusive content (which could be maps, weapons, killstreaks, etc.), free map pack updates, and other customization tools for the hardcore Call of Duty fan.

If you haven't noticed, many first person shooters have tried to duplicate the success of the Call of Duty franchise in recent years. From the leveling system that the game introduced, to killstreaks and perks, if Call of Duty: Elite is a profitable venture for Activision it could mean a huge shift in the way content is delivered in the future.

Details are likely to disperse at E3, alongside our first look at Modern Warfare 3, which the Call of Duty: Elite Subscription is said to launch alongside this November.

Via: attackofthefanboy

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