Windows 7 Build 6519 Screenshot Gallery

Paul Thurrott has posted a screenshot gallery of Windows 7, you know -the one that was handed to developers back in December 2007; well for those who have been living under a rock and haven't seen them yet, follow the link below.

"... A few weeks back, the first external build of Windows 7, the next version of Windows, fell into my hands. I installed it initially in just a virtual machine and took hundreds of shots, and that's what you're looking at here. Essentially, Windows 7 build 6519--dating back to December 2007--is just a slightly enhanced version of Windows Vista.

My guess--and at this point, it's just a guess--is that things will change more significantly over time. But even in this early build, a number of interesting developments emerge. I'll have more to say about that in the days ahead. For now, enjoy this first screenshot gallery. It won't be the last."

source: Screenshot Gallery

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