Google unveils new tools

Google has announced a new application it hopes will make internet searches more relevant. The Google Search options will let users sort their results in several new ways to narrow their search down.

These include showing only pages with a certain type of content, those organized by date or time and graphical searches.

There is also a 'related searches' option. This feature suggests other possibilities that could aid searches. A 'Wonder Wheel' uses graphics to show people how related topics are clustered together.

Google Search options could prove particularly helpful for searches that are hard to express with keywords (such as 'Show me discussions about the Oscars in forums') or when you want to explore topics more broadly or refine them.

The tool will be available immediately so that when a user inputs search terms into the search box, there will be a 'show options' link.

Despite being the most popular search engine in the UK, the web giant said it could not afford to take anything for granted and has more new tools on the way.

Marissa Mayer, Google’s vice-president of products, said: "The race in search is far from over and innovation and continued improvement is absolutely pivotal. "

There are three new products in the pipeline worth watching out for. Rich Snippets will give additional information about the content of suggested website links. For example, a restaurant review may include menu prices.

Google Squared, which is expected to be made publicly available in a month or so, takes information from the web and displays in a spreadsheet. For example, a query for a small dog typed into the search box will bring up a table showing photos of various dogs, their origin, weight and height.

And the company also wants to reach out to the stars with Skymap. This application is for mobile phones using the Android operating system. By using a smartphone's GPS capabilities it will display the constellations and show the person where they are standing and which way they are pointing.

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