Executor 0.96.6b

Executor is a launcher that is a more powerful and customizable version of Windows Run. The program originated as I was sick of spending too much time searching for programs through my ever growing windows start-menu and also found myself using windows run more and more frequently.

There was of course already programs like this available, but each had it's annoyance or missing features or too( !! ) geeky. So I decide to code my own app to rid me of using the windows start-menu and windows run.

Many features like: customizable keywords, history, auto-completion (keywords, history, file system), drop-down or vista like list, start-menu importer, skinable, very customizable, url and email detection, one keyword can launch multiple keywords/files/urls/programs etc, optional icon and program title display, customizable hotkey, a number of special commands and parameters, filesystem autocompletion, optional sounds, intergrated calculator and more.

Executor 0.96.6b

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