DAEMON Tools Lite 4.12.2 32/64 Bits (with SPTD 1.56)

DAEMON Tools is an advanced application for Microsoft Windows which provides one of the best optical media emulation in the industry. DAEMON Tools enabling you to use your CD/DVD images as if they were already burned to CD/DVD.

Changes in DT 4.12.2 compared to the previous version 4.12.1:
What's new:

- SPTD 1.56;
- Languages updates;
- Setup changes.
Bugs fixed:
- SCSI adapter resources problem during installation;
- Some network images mounting problem;
- Lockup problem when comparing files on 2 virtual drives;
- Some minor GUI bugs.

Download : DAEMON Tools Lite 4.12.2 32/64 Bits (with SPTD 1.56)

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