50 Reasons to switch from Windows to OS X?

Or, a lost sheep’s ongoing struggle to stay relevant in this internet age. In a post last week, on St. Valentine’s Day no less, Pirillo states his 50 reasons to switch from Windows (any version?) to OS X.

After getting past his preamble about neutrality, he delivers his thoughts.

Actually, we are supposed to take his thoughts as neutral since it is not a Windows bash. Furthermore, since in his opening statements he declared his relationships with some sponsors, we should take te product plugs as gospel. Feel free to ingest a grain/several grains of salt with his recommendations.

I have taken it upon myself to provide a public service by attempting to debunk some of the outright errors, factual errors, product plugs, and gross misconceptions in his beliefs.

His assertions in italics, my answers in green.

1. Seems that the future of Windows development is happening largely for corporate environments and customers. I don’t take issue with this other than being someone who doesn’t live or work inside a corporate environment at home. Bunk. While it is niiiice that he has the privilege of being outside the corporate or enterprise box, the truth of it is that enterprise sales drive the cost of computing downwards. If not for both that fact and Bill Gates’ and Microsoft’s vision of computing for the masses, most of us would not be to afford software. Look to the costs of software as espoused by the IBMs and Oracles of this world. Now, thank Microsoft, for it wasn’t for them, you would not be able to afford software for your Mac.

2. Excellent power management in OS X. When I close the lid to my MacBook Pro, it falls asleep. When I open the lid to my MacBook Pro, it wakes up. Imagine that! Seems to be the case 99% of the time, and it happens quickly. Bunk. Anything less than that would be a shame, since apple delivers a complete hardware and software solution.

3. I’m ready to experience different frustrations. OS X isn’t perfect, certainly - but I already see its noticeably more stable than Windows Vista has been. Kernel Panics at least look prettier than BSODs. :) Seriously, I just find OS X’s update schedule to be more to my liking - instead of waiting for gigantic service packs, I get minor point releases along the way to major revisions to the OS. Bugs are going to happen, but knowing that showstopping / security bugs are likely to be squished quicker gives me amazing peace of mind. Bunk. What a nonsensical statement. Kernel Panics are better than BSODs? More stable? Dude, have you checked the number of fixes each OS X patchfest brings? Compared to Windows Vista? Or any version of Windows for that matter?

4. There’s more interesting, useful, beautiful, and affordable software being developed for OS X. If you still believe that there’s no software for “the Mac,” you’re simply a fool who hasn’t done his or her research. Bunk. Actually, Bro’, you are the fool for making such a simplistic statement

5. VMware Fusion makes it possible to have every operating system at my fingertips (as well as every app that runs on ‘em, FTW). Performance and stability is a reality, not a dream. More importantly, with USB 2.0 support in VMware Fusion, I have near complete compatibility with any external hardware. Parallels is also there, which should keep competition lively. Product plug!

6. I believe that the future of Windows (or any OS software layer) will be experienced in a virtual machine of some sort. People have been dual booting for years - now I can triple-task cross-platform in seconds flat. ??? Space filler

7. Not to say that Microsoft or Linux haven’t made great strides in recent years, but… at least Leopard feels like only one team was developing the UI. It’s not quite perfect, but closer to what perfect should be. I’m not a huge fan of iTunes or every other Apple utility - but at least with Leopard, they’re trying to make them look and work the same way. 1st semi-true point. The UI does look good. BFD! However, so is Aero ‘Glass’

8. I love the fact that most programs and their associated libraries are self-contained (apps). There’s no stress in installing / uninstalling most programs, and for true cleanup jobs there’s always AppZapper. 1st true point. For which I excoriate Microsoft daily. And cuss them the ‘F’ out whenever I run into it in client environments

9. I’m not a huge fan of the Dock for task management, but Quicksilver has virtually no Windows equivalent (in terms of elegance and scriptability, although it’s still completely overwhelming to me right now). The dock isn’t a shining example of where OS X is “better,” but I do appreciate the context menu options for each of the Dock’s icons for “Open at Login” management. Another space filler

10. Spotlight is to Windows Desktop Search as a BMW Z4 is to a Ford Pinto (in terms of performance, usability, and UI). No contest. I’m sure some would argue the opposite, but… they’re also probably the extreme developer “but it works if you just learn how to use it right” types. Feh. 2nd true point. Damn, Windows Search is a product that a) should be elegant in operation, b) should be simple in configurability, c) should be efficient, and d) return relevant and consistent results. It fails on all four points. As I have written before, the entire team should be publicly horsewhipped on the steps of the Island Club in Lagos

source: site419.mysite4now.net

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