Time magazine's Top 10 Video Games of 2008: GTA4, LBP, GoW2, etc.

With 2008 drawing to a close, it's that time of the year when publications roll out their very own "Top of 2008" lists. Their "Top 10 Video Games of 2008" list is online, and these are the winners:

  • Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3, 360, PC)
  • Braid (XBLA)
  • LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
  • Rock Band 2 (PS3, 360)
  • Gears of War 2 (360)
  • Dead Space (PS3, 360, PC)
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS3, PS2, PSP, Xbox 360, Wii, DS, mobile)
  • Hunted Forever (Flash)
  • Fieldrunners (iPhone)
  • Spore (PC, Mac, DS)

Of course, Time isn't primarily a video game publication, and some of you may think that that may throw off some of its credentials in creating a list. And to think, this list was generated by Lev Grossman, the same guy who said, back in 2006, that the PS3 was "not worth the hype."
Nevertheless, it's nice to see a PS3-exclusive (LBP) up there though, as well as a 360-exclusive (GoW2) title too. If you remember, GoW also made it to their 2006 Top 10 list.
Other big titles like MGS4, Fable 2, or Brawl aren't though. And speaking of Brawl, there's not a single Wii-exclusive in the list, despite the domination of Wii titles on the charts for the past few months.
And then there are the handhelds. Or the lack in representation thereof. There aren't any titles for the DS or PSP, unless you count Spore's DS spinoff and the multiplatform Force Unleashed. Which doesn't mean the handheld market is barred from the list. Fieldrunners for the iPhone is in it. Uh-oh, are critics' claims proven true?

Source : wii.qj.net

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