Download Windows 7 Build 7127

When downloading leaked builds, always check the hashes to ensure that you have an image that has not been tampered with. Recently, attackers pushed out fake copies of Windows 7 RC on Bittorrent to build their botnet.

You can check the MD5 hash of an image by using MD5Checker (download here). The hashes are as follows:

Windows 7 Build 7127 x86 (32-bit):

MD5 4045CB2A8E50B65ED9E1C2B8D6026B2F
SHA1 F2D615E674B64053D299CFA5E80B777269F0DFF2
CRC-32 F691687F

Windows 7 Build 7127 x64 (64-bit):

MD5 F805A6595DDC6D12956588BB0F1B9B83
SHA1 9BEB69BE3C2D113ECEB944145951A2123FBBBBF8
CRC-32 460FAD4E
Windows 7 Build 7127 32-bit
Windows 7 Build 7127 32-bit
Windows 7 Build 7127 64-bit
Windows 7 Build 7127 64-bit

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